Abaato Sports Corner

Abaato Sports Corner is the sports wing for Abaato Caring initiative, we saw that a lot of Children’s Future could be saved if we supported and nurtured their talent in different sports activities, because it’s evident that there are many players who have come from very poor backgrounds and have really thrived on sports, Through Abaato Sports Corner we hope to reach out to different sports academies with support in terms of training gears and other forms if possible, Besides that , Abaato sports Corner has also directly engaged its self in nurturing of talent by having its own center where it has already attracted 30 girls in football, We also have a plan to create a football Club for girls to compete in the national football league time to come. Currently all children at our Center are being introduced to football for the first time and the location where we are has been totally unaware about women football, so already we are making awareness, this has attracted some rigidness in most of the parents and some children are facing a challenge of not being allowed yet they are intrested, Also since we are from an area with poverty background , it has always been difficult for the players to invest in themselves with training gears, and here Abaato has been coming in to the rescue when possible